3121 Jim Lee Road
Tallahassee, FL 32301

The Pathfinder INDUCTION CEREMONY admits new Pathfinders of all ages into membership within the Maranatha Eagles and into the fellowship of Pathfinder Clubs all over worldwide SDA Church. It is used to inspire Pathfinders with the awesome responsibility of upholding the Pathfinder ideals that they have pledged to live by as well as presenting to them the serious aspects of Pathfindering. The program is meant to be a solemn occasion, however, not boring! The best way to accomplish this is to instill in your Pathfinders early on the importance of the Pledge and Law and allow them to feel like they own a part of the service. This is their chance to SHINE in front of their church family and boast in a godly manner about the club which, for many, makes all the difference in their lives.