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When Jesus was here on earth, He met with His disciples at the close of His earthly ministry for one last supper. They gathered in an upper room to eat the Passover feast together. Customarily, the table would include the Passover lamb. However, we do not read of its presence in any of the gospels. But we do know that the true Lamb was present in the form of Jesus Christ.
Included in their meal was unleavened bread and wine (unfermented grape juice). Jesus ledCommunion_large them in eating first the bread as a symbol of His body, which would be broken for them (and us). He the
n followed by drinking with them the pure juice of the grape (unfermented) that represented His blood, which would be shed in only a matter of hours. You can read the entire story in Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:12-26, Luke 22:7-38, and John 13:1-30. Jesus bid us to “do in remembrance of Me.”

Participating in the Communion service allows us to express our faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We remember His death and sacrifice on our behalf and recommit ourselves to joyfully proclaim His death and resurrection until He comes again.

Communion, and the days prior, is a time for members to self-examine, repent, and confess in preparation for the service. It is a time of renewal and recommitment. Just as when we were first baptized, we are washed, we are cleansed, and ready for service. Communion in the Seventh-day Adventist Church is open to all believers.
