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Four Things Christian Don’t Have

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Rom. 8:32.

Many years ago an ordinary factory worker saved up enough money to go on a luxury cruise. Purchasing the ticket consumed all his savings. Anxiously he awaited the date of his departure.

Having used all his money for the ticket, he realized he could not afford to eat in the ship’sdining hall. He purchased some cheese and crakers before departure.

The first few days of the cruise, things went well. He enjoyed the magnificent ocean views, marveled at the brilliant sunsets, and relaxed by the ship’s swimming pool. But he was definitely tiring of cheese and crackers. The aromas wafting from the exquisite dining hall, along with the comments of other passengers regarding the delicious meals, enticed him. He could stand it no longer.

With cautious hesitancy he inquired of the chief steward, “Sir, how much are the meals?”

“May I see your ticket, please?” the steward asked. Examining the ticket, the steward replied in surprise, “Didn’t anyone tell you the meals are part of the package? They come with the ticket!”

The poor man was living below his privileges. Like him, many Christians are living below their privileges. Countless Christians feel guilty, insecure, and fearful. Our Lord offers us much more.

The apostle Paul describes these Christian privileges in terms of four things Christians do not have.

In Christ the is no condemnation. Romans 8:1 declares: “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” In Jesus all condemnation is gone. The accusing voices are silenced. We are acquitted, pardoned, forgiven, set free from sin’s devastating guilt. Since Christ bore our guilt on the tree, we need not bear it in a condemning conscience. He was condemned so that we need not condemn ourselves.

In Christ there is no bondage. Romans 8:15 declares: ” For you did not receive the spirit of bondage to sin. We have a new master. Sin no longer dominates or controls our lives. Christ has broken the bondage.

In Christ there is no ultimate defeat. Romans 8:28 declares: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God.” As Christians we are not in the hands of the evil one. We are not like leaves blown in the autumn breeze, with no direction. God is in control and will work all things out for good.

In Christ there is no separation. Romans 8:35 asks: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” The apostle lists tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, and sword. Christ’s love penetrates our darkest, most trying moment. In Christ guilt is gone and bondage is broken. In Christ all things work for good, and nothing can separate us from His love.

From: Solid Ground By Mark Finley